This is why I love CNU.
"Be imitators of God, therefore, as dearly loved children and live a life of love, just as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us as a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God." [Ephesians 5:1-2]
Thursday, September 29, 2011
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Modern Slavery: The Nightmare of Human Trafficking

Did you think we left slavery lying on the fields of the Civil War? Think again. With over 27 million enslaved people in the world, human trafficking is the battlefront of the century. Here are some cold facts of modern slavery you may find as alarming as I:
• A child is trafficked every 30 seconds. -UNICEF
• The average age of entry into commercial sex slavery in the United States is 13 years old. -United States Department of Justice
• Human Trafficking occurs in 161 out of 192 countries. -The United Nations
• Pornography is a 96 billion dollar per year industry. –The Internet Filter Review
• Up to 96% of women in prostitution want to escape but feel they can’t. -United Labor Organization
• Human Trafficking is a 32 billion dollar per year industry. -The United Industry
• In some countries it is estimated that 70% of men purchase sex. -Victor Malarek; The Johns
• Over 27 million people are enslaved around the world. This is more than double the number of Africans enslaved during the Trans-Atlantic slave trade. -Kevin Bales; Free the Slaves
I know this is a rather heavy topic, but human trafficking is a nightmare that is spiraling out of control. A new documentary trilogy, Nefarious, is a “hard hitting documentary that exposes the disturbing trends in modern sex slavery” ( From recruitment to victim liberation, this documentary exposes the abyss of sex slavery. I have not seen it yet, but the next opportunity I get to see it, I’m there. Human trafficking is something that scares me so much but still makes me burn inside with frustration, anger, and heartache. Nefarious I: Merchant of Souls was just recently released, but the second will hopefully follow soon. Some of my friends have seen it and…they didn’t even have words to describe it. Sex slavery is something that just leaves you speechless sometimes because you never imagine how bad it is until you hear it from victims of the trade. As soon as I see the documentary, I will do my very best to explain my reaction to this spine-chilling topic.
“Call upon Me in the day of trouble [and] I will deliver you.” [Psalm 50:15]
Friday, September 23, 2011
The Africa Project

I had mentioned The Africa Project (TAP) previously in my goals for the semester. For those of you who do not know what I’m talking about, let me enlighten you.
The Africa Project was formed last semester by a group of eight students passionate about children and Africa, more specifically children in Africa. Since the group was small last semester, we basically met once a week, spouting different ideas about how to raise $30,000 to build an orphanage in Tanzania. Having such a small number was good because we interacted really well as a group and we had a lot of really great ideas. But having great ideas isn’t enough. They must be put into action.
Why did we decide on Tanzania, you ask? Although the world is filled with areas in need of shelter for orphaned children, Tanzania's high a very high adult mortality rate due to HIV/AIDS forces parentless children to wander the streets in search of food from trashcans. The orphanage will provide not only shelter, nourishment, and education, but also a church for the surrounding community. TAP partners with International Cooperating Ministries (ICM), a non-profit organization located in Hampton, Virginia. ICM has pastors in partnership in Tanzania that will pastor the church once it is complete.
TAP did a couple of fundraisers last year, like hosting a dance party and setting tables up around the student union. It was a great time to put our name out there and let people know what our mission is. This semester has been completely different in terms of numbers. We’ve seen the group grow from eight students to about thirty-five weekly meeting attendees, which is awesome! We’ve received a significant amount of support from other people in the community as well. We have a facebook group as well, if you would like to be a part of it.
Some of the group at a soccer game. We raised over $200 that night! PTL!

God has provided so much for this project already. He’s literally been blowing our minds. The goal is to raise $30,000 dollars and we’ve already received $24,000. Crazy, right?! Our next big fundraiser is actually tonight. We will be hosting a benefit concert to hopefully raise the next big chunk of funds. Please pray for not only the concert tonight, but that God will continue to provide so that we can reach the children in Tanzania. Who knows what the Lord has in store, but we trust that He is a God with a plan that is better than any of us can imagine. Our hope and prayer is that this orphanage will provide a safe place for children to grow, not just physically but spiritually, becoming strong children of God.
If you feel called to donate, you can check out our website and donate there, or if you would like to send me a check made out to "International Cooperating Ministries" with "The Africa Project" in the “For” section of the check (I don’t know if there’s a specific name for that part, but I hope you know what I mean). You can also help us out by simply praying for the project. Pray that God would be glorified in this and that He would provide. That would be much appreciated!
TAP into lives!

Thursday, September 15, 2011
Semester Goals
I figured if I put these up, it would give me more initiative to fulfill them. I may alter or add more in the future, depending on my confidence in actually accomplishing them all.
First. Stay organized!
Second. Learn Photoshop, and use it!
Third. Run at least 3 times a week (Still working on this one)
Fourth. Write letters/keep in touch with camp friends
Fifth. Quiet Time every morning
Sixth. Raise money for The Africa Project (more about this to come)
Seventh. Begin planning my study abroad trip
First. Stay organized!
Second. Learn Photoshop, and use it!
Third. Run at least 3 times a week (Still working on this one)
Fourth. Write letters/keep in touch with camp friends
Fifth. Quiet Time every morning
Sixth. Raise money for The Africa Project (more about this to come)
Seventh. Begin planning my study abroad trip
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
The Issue of an Overactive Imagination
I could list the million other things I could be doing right now besides blogging. But honestly, I just can’t take it. I need a break from this madness, and facebooking isn’t "quenching my thirst" for a study break.
The last time we spoke, CNU students and faculty were being evacuated for the incoming Irene. We’ve since been back at school for about two weeks now, and this is about the time when all the professors think it’s okay to give us exams, research projects, and papers…all at the same time. My nights have been long, my brain has been washed, and I am officially a sophomore. Bring it on.
The only problem with having an overactive imagination is the difficulty of not being able to focus on the task at hand. For me, when things I don’t want to happen at the present time bombard me, my mind begins wandering to the things I want to happen in the future. Things like Autumn. I can’t wait until Fall. The changing leaves, the earthy tones, the smells of apple cider and cinnamon, apple picking, listening to bluegrass, scarves, bonfires, need I go on?! Now I understand I’m getting way ahead of myself right now. That’s what happens when you have an overactive imagination.
I’ve even begun my Christmas list. That’s how bad it is.
Once again, God has convicted me of my lack of focus on the things that should get done. I’m avoiding the things that are right in front of me, including my time with Christ. With all of the projects and papers due, I lose sight of the rock, who is my strength. Instead of going to the word to find comfort and strength, I write down the things I want to see under the Christmas tree. It’s something I’ve always struggled with.
God’s given us the joys in life, like apple orchards and the changing leaves of fall, and He wants us to enjoy them! That doesn’t mean I should let my mind wander to those things instead of Him. As my days grow hectic, my focus should always be on Him first. I’ve said it before but it’s my constant reminder. He also wants us to do our best, and lately, I’ve gotten distracted. The Lord does a great job at tugging on my heart, though.
The last time we spoke, CNU students and faculty were being evacuated for the incoming Irene. We’ve since been back at school for about two weeks now, and this is about the time when all the professors think it’s okay to give us exams, research projects, and papers…all at the same time. My nights have been long, my brain has been washed, and I am officially a sophomore. Bring it on.
The only problem with having an overactive imagination is the difficulty of not being able to focus on the task at hand. For me, when things I don’t want to happen at the present time bombard me, my mind begins wandering to the things I want to happen in the future. Things like Autumn. I can’t wait until Fall. The changing leaves, the earthy tones, the smells of apple cider and cinnamon, apple picking, listening to bluegrass, scarves, bonfires, need I go on?! Now I understand I’m getting way ahead of myself right now. That’s what happens when you have an overactive imagination.
I’ve even begun my Christmas list. That’s how bad it is.
Once again, God has convicted me of my lack of focus on the things that should get done. I’m avoiding the things that are right in front of me, including my time with Christ. With all of the projects and papers due, I lose sight of the rock, who is my strength. Instead of going to the word to find comfort and strength, I write down the things I want to see under the Christmas tree. It’s something I’ve always struggled with.
God’s given us the joys in life, like apple orchards and the changing leaves of fall, and He wants us to enjoy them! That doesn’t mean I should let my mind wander to those things instead of Him. As my days grow hectic, my focus should always be on Him first. I’ve said it before but it’s my constant reminder. He also wants us to do our best, and lately, I’ve gotten distracted. The Lord does a great job at tugging on my heart, though.
"Seek the LORD and his strength, seek his face continually." [1 Chronicles 16:11]
"Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things. For you died, and your life is now hidden with Christ in God. When Christ, who is your life, appears, then you also will appear with him in glory." [Colossians 3:2-4]
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