Did you think we left slavery lying on the fields of the Civil War? Think again. With over 27 million enslaved people in the world, human trafficking is the battlefront of the century. Here are some cold facts of modern slavery you may find as alarming as I:
• A child is trafficked every 30 seconds. -UNICEF
• The average age of entry into commercial sex slavery in the United States is 13 years old. -United States Department of Justice
• Human Trafficking occurs in 161 out of 192 countries. -The United Nations
• Pornography is a 96 billion dollar per year industry. –The Internet Filter Review
• Up to 96% of women in prostitution want to escape but feel they can’t. -United Labor Organization
• Human Trafficking is a 32 billion dollar per year industry. -The United Industry
• In some countries it is estimated that 70% of men purchase sex. -Victor Malarek; The Johns
• Over 27 million people are enslaved around the world. This is more than double the number of Africans enslaved during the Trans-Atlantic slave trade. -Kevin Bales; Free the Slaves
I know this is a rather heavy topic, but human trafficking is a nightmare that is spiraling out of control. A new documentary trilogy, Nefarious, is a “hard hitting documentary that exposes the disturbing trends in modern sex slavery” (nefariousdocumentary.com). From recruitment to victim liberation, this documentary exposes the abyss of sex slavery. I have not seen it yet, but the next opportunity I get to see it, I’m there. Human trafficking is something that scares me so much but still makes me burn inside with frustration, anger, and heartache. Nefarious I: Merchant of Souls was just recently released, but the second will hopefully follow soon. Some of my friends have seen it and…they didn’t even have words to describe it. Sex slavery is something that just leaves you speechless sometimes because you never imagine how bad it is until you hear it from victims of the trade. As soon as I see the documentary, I will do my very best to explain my reaction to this spine-chilling topic.
“Call upon Me in the day of trouble [and] I will deliver you.” [Psalm 50:15]
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