If you haven’t looked at you calendar today, it’s Monday! Not to mention the Fourth of July. Happy fourth to all! This week has been chock full of memories I will cherish. If I listed all the things that happened to me this week, you would never want to read my blog again because I will have then written a novel. That may just be because I’d go into to WAY too much detail. Nevertheless, Week One at camp was, for lack of better words, challenging, inspiring, exhausting, and memorable. Which leads me to another installment of Monday’s Memorable Moments.
The first grade classroom at the Jelinek Center was filled with eight spunky, intelligent, adorable, and hilarious children this past week. Compared to this week with thirty children averaging each day for Week Two, eight kids were a cinch. Here are some of the quotes I caught from the children while in the classroom:
• Me: Guess how old I am.
(Alison thinks long and hard and answers sincerely)
(…close)• Miss Kate: Who knows what’s happening tonight?
(Josh raises his hand excitedly)
Josh: The carnival! The
actual carnival is tonight!
(You probably had to be there for it. His inflection made it)• Jason says to me: You look like Jesus’ queen.
(Not exactly sure what that means…but I’ll take it.)• As I was standing outside the boys bathroom waiting for Zachary I heard,
Zachary: ew…Miss Kate?
Me: yes?
Zachary: It’s a poop turd.
(grrrreat)• Kaitlyn: We had to put our cat to sleep because he kept peeing under the kitchen table.
I’ve been taking advantage of the glorious weather, enjoying frequent canoe and kayak trips with some great people. One that really stood out was one with my friends Hannah and Sharon. We kayaked by the shoreline, stuck our “chaco feet” out of the boat, and just shared a bit about our lives. It was super relaxing and a great way to share our lives with each other. I have yet to take a sailboat out, but it is a goal of mine for the summer.
Camp-of-the-Woods had their Fourth of July fireworks on July 2nd, oddly enough. Some of us girls decided to swim out to the dock in the lake to get the best seats in camp. And boy were they. Laying on the floating dock, oo-ing and ah-ing at the marvelous sight of explosive pyrotechnics. The booming sound of the fireworks surrounded the lake, adding to the magnificence of the whole experience. The lights from the fading sparks reflected on the water as they slowly floated back to the ground. I cherished every moment of it.
Just this evening concluded another memory that I will cherish here at camp. My friends Maddy, Chelsea, Brea, Hilary, and I took, yet again, another swim out to the dock to admire the stars, since the first time on the dock was such an enjoyable success.
Author’s Note: New York has beautiful stars ha. Probably because Speculator is the closest town with not that many lights, so the stars are easily visible. We huddled close together on the swaying dock to keep our body temperatures at a favorable degree after climbing out of the “chillish” waters of Lake Pleasant. As we lay there, giddily squealing whenever we saw a shooting star, we discussed the mind-blowing aspects of stars and space. Ya know, the normal unanswerable questions that arise when gazing into outer space. It got me thinking about, of course, how big and powerful the God of the Universe really is. Job 25:5 says,
“If even the moon is not bright and the stars are not pure in his eyes.”
Even something we think to be absolutely beautiful and bright in the sky, it doesn’t even compare to the greatness of God. Psalm 148:3 says,
“Praise him, sun and moon, praise him, all you shining stars.”
Even the stars worship Him! All of creation should worship the God who made everything.
I would like to get some pictures posted so you all can see some of the faces and places I enjoy around camp. That will hopefully be coming soon. In the meantime, I highly suggest you take at least one night this week to grab a blanket, grab a friend, and go lay out under the stars. It's amazing the things you will think of.
Happy Fourth.