About Me

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Earthquakes, Hurricanes, and Pentagons?

This has been one heck of a first week here at CNU. It all started with the earthquake. Yes, for all you skeptics, who believe the east coast cannot have earthquakes, prepare to be DENIED. We survived an earthquake on Tuesday! I regret to say though that I’m pretty sure I was riding my bike at the time of the earthquake and had no inclination that the ground had shook. Even if I had felt it, I probably would have thought it was the ground shaking from all the freakin’ construction going down on campus. Oh well, the news casting lady told me it happened, so I believe her. My roommates were pretty freaked out about it too when I got back to the apartment. I think the damage consisted of a Dixie cup falling over. My roommates are so cute.

Not ONLY did we have an earthquake, but hurricane Irene has forced CNU into evacuation mode. We must leave campus premises by noon tomorrow. No classes Friday or Monday! This unfortunately does mean no fall break for us due to having to make up the missed days, but we have to remember is that not many colleges have fall break as well as Thanksgiving break. I’m trying to think on the positive side.

1 “At this my heart pounds
and leaps from its place.
2 Listen! Listen to the roar of his voice,
to the rumbling that comes from his mouth.
3 He unleashes his lightning beneath the whole heaven
and sends it to the ends of the earth.
4 After that comes the sound of his roar;
he thunders with his majestic voice.
When his voice resounds,
he holds nothing back.
5 God’s voice thunders in marvelous ways;
he does great things beyond our understanding.
-Job 37:1-5

This hurricane couldn’t have come at a better time, though, because my sister is coming to pick me up! She was coming anyway because she and I have a road trip to Washington DC this weekend. Seriously, there is nothing better than a road trip with Becky Scheel and crazy loud obnoxious singing. Our uncle is retiring from the Army. Apparently it’s a big hooplah when someone retires from the military (just kidding, I know it’s a big deal), so the whole extended family is heading to DC for one big family reunion at the Pentagon! I’m very much excited about it, because not only do I love the DC area, but I love my family. Not to mention we get a VIP tour of the Pentagon. Savvy, yes?

Stay dry!

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Quick Update!

Quick update! I made it to school without my head falling off. First day of classes=success. I am here and ready to learn! I wanted to give y’all my address in case any my camp friends feel so called to be pen pals with me (hint hint). Like I’ve said before, I love sending/receiving mail, so chances are if you send me a letter, you will be compensated with a homemade letter from me. I dearly miss all my camp friends already, so hearing from you will lift my aching spirit (insert Anne Shirley’s dramatic voice). As I know many of us are beginning a new year in school, I pray for not just you, but me, that Christ will be the center of everything that we do. That He will not be put on the back burner, but rather flame within us so everyone can see the light. Oh yeah. address.

Kate Scheel
James River Hall 431
1000 University Pl
Student Union Box
Newport News, VA 23606

And now I must go print out my 25 page syllabus for my Capital Punishment and Judicial Violence in Global Perspective class...this may be the death of me. (Oh, the irony.)

Saturday, August 13, 2011


It’s a linear concept we often overlook. When I think about movement, so many ways to move come to my mind. Worshipping the Lord, exercising, moving back to school, traveling, just “doing.” Movement is the concept that has been on my mind the past few weeks. As the summer draws to a close and I begin to think about my move back to school, I realize the shift that will begin to take place. I will be moving from a place I’ve grown to love to a place I haven’t been in four months. But no matter where I move, the Lord is ever-present and never changing. Though the world moves rapidly around me, my foundation is firm and constant. The Lord calls us to move, though, with the confidence that he is our rock, to make a difference and glorify Him through it all. In this post, I thought I would share with you about the different “moves” in my life.

One of the new ways I have learned to move is, don’t laugh, yoga.

I’ll admit, I was one of those people that used to mock and laugh at the people that practiced yoga. “Downward Dog” was never my idea of worship. I used to be self conscious about closing my eyes and letting the muscles of my face “soften around the eyes.” This summer my friend and roommate, Becky, introduced me to a new type of yoga. Contemplative Movement. Becky is a yoga instructor and outdoor-adventure-extraordinaire. She taught Contemplative Movement (the Christian version of yoga) at camp this summer and I decided to broaden my horizon and try it out. It was relaxing, strengthening, challenging, and meditative. We may think of prayer as thoughts or feelings expressed in words. But this is only one expression. Contemplative Prayer is considered to be a pure gift from God. It is the opening of mind and heart-our whole being- to God, beyond thoughts, words, and emotions.

The two main struggles I’ll admit to with yoga was having to wake up at 6:30 (let me tell ya.. tough.) and wandering thoughts during my time of contemplative prayer. Thoughts like, How am I doing? This peace is just great! What the heck was the name of that song I really liked? Just ordinary wanderings of the imagination. But the Lord does a good job of gently reeling me back in to the reason I’m doing contemplative movement in the first place: to glorify and worship Him through movement. I am now a proud yoga lover, not just because it makes me feel great, but because it is a newly discovered form of worship to my heavenly Father, who gave us the gift of movement.

The next “move” that has occurred while here at camp is simply physical activity. I felt very sedentary before I came to camp. Being here with all these amazing opportunities to get up and move has been awesome for me. I’ve been kayaking more times than I can count, rock climbing, practiced yoga, water skiing, hiking, cliff jumping and, I never thought I would say this, running. Scratch that, I meant jogging. Readers, if you know me at all, you know I don’t think running is the most fun form of exercise. I haven’t even run all that much since I’ve been here, but I think I’m getting that chemical in your body that makes you want to run. to move. It’s great! And I hope it stays!

The most obvious big move is the move back to school. Ah! Stress, stress, stress. A lot of unexpected things have happened this summer as far as what this coming year entails. The first big change is we’re getting a new roommate. Hannah, Alli, Kellie, Bethany, and I were going to be living in an apartment in JR this semester. We still are, but Bethany will be going to Liberty Univ. this semester. We knew there was a chance that she would leave in the future, but never expected it to be so soon. The Lord has a plan for everything, and because of that I’m very excited for Bethany. I know she had Christ in the center of her decision. The first time she told me about the news, I was a little saddened, only because I was looking forward to sharing a room with her and having late night pillow talks. It’s an adjustment I will have to live with , Bethany and I will just have to have our pillow talks over skype :)

Because Bethany will not be living with us, we have an extra spot. Honestly, I was hoping I could have some time to settle down into my room before someone else moved in, so we figured we wouldn’t make a big woop-di-do about it to housing. We found out last week, however, that we will be getting a new roommate. This means, depending on how much we “blend,” I will either be sharing a room with her or one of the other girls. It’s up in the air right now, but please keep the rooming situation in your prayers. Please pray for cohesion between us girls as this will be a new environment for us all as well as our new roommate. Since we all know each other, I can’t imagine how she feels about the “new girl.” I pray she does not feel that way as that will make for an uncomfortable atmosphere, and if you know me, I hate having people feel left out.

I’m always on the go. And so is my mind. I’ve already been thinking about what to do with my next summer. Work on a ranch in Colorado, pack fish in Alaska with my good friend Chelsea, work at an international camp overseas. The options are endless. But my summers are not. Time flies, and I’ve only got three summers left before I step into the real world of adults. But whatever I do, I’m always moving with my Father right next to me, and that gives me the confidence that “I can do all things through Him who gives me strength.” Adventure is out there! Just move.

Carly Chase showed this video to me and I thought I would share it with you. It's pretty legit.

MOVE from Rick Mereki on Vimeo.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Camp + Cornuke + College

Conversations have been riveting in the first grade classroom this past week. We have been discussing such things as Justin “Beaver” and his girlfriend Selena “Mogez” (no lie, that’s what they think their names are). Several children’s guinea pigs have died, and if they had $10, they would buy and Ipod touch. Don’t worry; we talk about the Bible, too. In fact, several of the children asked Jesus into their heart the other day. You know, though, how when you were younger, you had to ask Jesus into your heart just about every week just to make sure you did it? But hey, once is all it takes and the rest are just for good measure ☺ The children have blessed me so much and I have learned much from their young, but explorative minds.

"Jesus said, Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these."
Matthew 19:14

"Therefore, whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven."
Matthew 18:4

"Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it."
Proverbs 22:6

I had the opportunity to listen to one of the chapel speakers, Bob Cornuke. He is, as best as I can explain it, Indiana Jones of the Bible. He is a former police investigator and SWAT member. He is an author, explorer, and biblical investigator with journeys including the search for Mt. Sinai, Noah’s ark, and Paul’s shipwreck. His talk was absolutely fascinating, leaving me with several moments of goosebumps. He is one of those men who leave you wanting to shout, THERE IS A GOD! His evidence is riveting and exciting. I, in fact, got to hold what is to believed to be a piece of the anchor from Paul’s shipwreck off the coast of Malta. It’s talks like these that make me want to get of my butt and travel to Saudi Arabia or Jerusalem. To walk where Jesus walked...

My sister Becky left camp yesterday to head back to Virginia. She worked at camp this past week and I can’t tell you how happy I was to see her. She loved catching up with her friends from last year and seeing the children she taught. Having my sister here for only a week reminded me of how much I freaking love my family. I already knew this, of course, but having kindred spirits such as Becky and Amy for sisters. Gosh, we’re a trio not to be trifled with. We feed off of each other’s quirkiness. I’ve loved being here at camp, but seeing my sister and talking to my parents makes me wish I had more than eight hours at home before I head off to school. Sigh, time never stops.

Only 18 more days for me here at camp. My how this summer seems to fly! Please pray for me as I am beginning to stress myself out because of the amount of time I have to prepare for school before I up and leave. I will get home, at the earliest, around 9 p.m. on Saturday, August 20, and leave for school around 6 a.m…the next day! Whew! I’m trying my utmost to not freak myself out, but I’m not being very successful at the moment. Please pray for patience, comfort, and a soothing heart during the transition from “camp” to “college.”

My lovely kindred spirits Hilary and Chelsea!