About Me

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Camp + Cornuke + College

Conversations have been riveting in the first grade classroom this past week. We have been discussing such things as Justin “Beaver” and his girlfriend Selena “Mogez” (no lie, that’s what they think their names are). Several children’s guinea pigs have died, and if they had $10, they would buy and Ipod touch. Don’t worry; we talk about the Bible, too. In fact, several of the children asked Jesus into their heart the other day. You know, though, how when you were younger, you had to ask Jesus into your heart just about every week just to make sure you did it? But hey, once is all it takes and the rest are just for good measure ☺ The children have blessed me so much and I have learned much from their young, but explorative minds.

"Jesus said, Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these."
Matthew 19:14

"Therefore, whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven."
Matthew 18:4

"Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it."
Proverbs 22:6

I had the opportunity to listen to one of the chapel speakers, Bob Cornuke. He is, as best as I can explain it, Indiana Jones of the Bible. He is a former police investigator and SWAT member. He is an author, explorer, and biblical investigator with journeys including the search for Mt. Sinai, Noah’s ark, and Paul’s shipwreck. His talk was absolutely fascinating, leaving me with several moments of goosebumps. He is one of those men who leave you wanting to shout, THERE IS A GOD! His evidence is riveting and exciting. I, in fact, got to hold what is to believed to be a piece of the anchor from Paul’s shipwreck off the coast of Malta. It’s talks like these that make me want to get of my butt and travel to Saudi Arabia or Jerusalem. To walk where Jesus walked...

My sister Becky left camp yesterday to head back to Virginia. She worked at camp this past week and I can’t tell you how happy I was to see her. She loved catching up with her friends from last year and seeing the children she taught. Having my sister here for only a week reminded me of how much I freaking love my family. I already knew this, of course, but having kindred spirits such as Becky and Amy for sisters. Gosh, we’re a trio not to be trifled with. We feed off of each other’s quirkiness. I’ve loved being here at camp, but seeing my sister and talking to my parents makes me wish I had more than eight hours at home before I head off to school. Sigh, time never stops.

Only 18 more days for me here at camp. My how this summer seems to fly! Please pray for me as I am beginning to stress myself out because of the amount of time I have to prepare for school before I up and leave. I will get home, at the earliest, around 9 p.m. on Saturday, August 20, and leave for school around 6 a.m…the next day! Whew! I’m trying my utmost to not freak myself out, but I’m not being very successful at the moment. Please pray for patience, comfort, and a soothing heart during the transition from “camp” to “college.”

My lovely kindred spirits Hilary and Chelsea!

1 comment:

  1. love reading about your life and about camp and hearing your voice in your writing :) miss you babe!!!!! praying for your transition
