Kathleen Kelly is to New York City as I am to Florence, for all you “You’ve Got Mail” aficionados. Except instead of the smell of bouquets of freshly sharpened pencils, it’s the aroma of cigarettes and wine. Which leads me to the first installment of “Ten Things I love About Florence”
1. The smell of leather and secondhand smoke down every street.
2. The concaved cobblestone streets around Santa Croce from all the wear and tear over the years. It’s really funny to watch people trip over themselves and walk like they’re drunk. By “people,” I mean “me.”
3. Maria Grazia’s Tartufo Pasta.
4. The creepy guys on the streets that try to sell you umbrellas…..
5. The little Italian boys playing soccer in the Piazza de Santa Croce.
6. Old men wearing fedoras, oversized glases, and London Fog.

8. The Oil Shop. The. Best. Sandwiches. Number 4 is my kryptonite.
9. The quiet streets at 7:30 in the morning, when all the stores are just opening and the old women are walking their dogs that have their own sweaters.
10. The military guy in the glass triangle display-thingy that’s protruding out of a military building I pass by every day. I’m pretty sure he recognizes me by the two scarves I alternate every other day and the same pair of jeans I’ve worn for the last four days. One day I know we’ll be friends.
Kate, we might have problems if you are liking the smell of second-hand smoke!